AQMO is a project co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) which consists of setting up a solution for measuring and analysing the air quality of the city of Rennes by mobile sensors, performing digital HPC simulations, while making data available to citizens.
Neovia has contributed to these documents:
D4.2 – Prototype of a numerical simulations performance prediction tool (July 2020)
A short YouTube video was created to demonstrate the concept of Predict-IT to the public. This prediction tool developed by the AQMO project allows for the definition of optimal parameters for numerical simulations in terms of cost and efficiency.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d2.4f.pdf
D4.3 – Exploitation Cost Model and Management Process for the Metropolis (January 2021)
The report focuses on the presentation of the AQMO platform and its components as well as its concrete application to the Rennes Metropolis, with the costs related to the operation of the platform. This deliverable includes the results of the project in Open formats, its follow-up actions and economic model. Indeed, one of AQMO’s objectives is to commercialize the platform as a service and create a national Air Quality simulation based on services developed by the project.
Link: This document is confidential.
The AQMO platform components

D7.4 – Report on the AQMO Workshop (January 2021)
The report presents the activities and efforts provided to organise a virtual workshop replacing the two-day event that was originally planned due to Covid-19 pandemic. This workshop was aimed at sharing the project’s progress with all partners, providing them with a demonstration of the platform and its results. The event took the form of a pre-recorded physical event in Rennes gathering few participants to respect sanitary conditions. This format allowed a livelier session that could be accessible to all project partners and published in February 2021.
AQMO workshop shooting at Whoorks in Rennes (France)