Neovia Innovation contributes to various networks of partners in France, Europe and worldwide.

Data Terra is a research E-Infrastructure which includes 4 data hubs in the Earth system and environment domain. Its main mission is to develop global access and processing facility for Earth observation data, products, and services.
The French Association of Innovation Consulting (ACI) is composed of 70 innovation consultancy firms representing 3000 employees working for all innovation stakeholders (companies, public authorities…). Neovia Innovation is the coordinator of the ACI’s Collaborative Projects Commission.
The European Association of Innovation Consultants (EAIC) aims to create synergies between consultancy firms active in the field of European research and innovation projects and to form a pan-European association of innovation consultants.
Being a member of the Association, the company is committed to adhering to the EAIC Code of Conduct regarding trust, integrity, impartiality, responsibility and fairness.
The European Technology Platform (ETP) for high-performance Computing (HPC) is a pan-European industrial think-tank promoting high-performance computing and R&D.
The CEA, the CNRS and the INRIA set up in 1994 a collaborative structure for the development and promotion of projects for the parallel calculation from the national to international level: the ORAP (ORganisation Associative du Parallélisme).
BDEC‘s main objective is to enable transnational research communities, in a wide range of disciplines, to converge on a common “digital continuum platform” (DCP) – a next-generation network computing platform for creating distributed services in a world permeated by devices and saturated by digital data, with actions spanning from drafting the design of said platform, organising a demonstration of its potential and developing the corresponding shaping strategy.
The TransContinuum Initiative (TCI) is supported by eight major European organisations, 5G IA (Communication), AIOTI (Internet Of Things), BDVA (Big Data), CLAIRE (Artificial Intelligence), EU-MATHS-IN (Mathematics), ECSO (Cybersecurity), ETP4HPC (High-Performance Computing), HiPEAC (Embedded Architecture), is developing and promoting at EU level a vision of the digital continuum infrastructure required for the convergence of data and compute capabilities in many leading-edge industrial and scientific use scenarios.
The Rennes 1 Foundation, “Progress, Innovate, Undertake”, was established in 2010 by the University of Rennes 1. This network aims to bring the University of Rennes 1 closer to the companies in order to promote innovation and socio-economic development.
CORTEAM is a management and strategy consultancy that specialises in coaching and assisting SMEs, industries and local authorities.