EXDCI/ EXDCI-2 is a coordination action aimed at supporting the activities of the high-performance computing ecosystem in mapping, strategy development and performance monitoring, as well as building and maintaining relationships with other HPC international activities and regions, or with other communities (Big Data, IoT, IA); Through its involvement in networks and working groups such as the BDEC project.
Neovia has contributed to these documents:
D2.4 – Report on coordination of the technology research action in Europe (May 2020)
This report assesses the results of the European-funded FET-HPC projects and compares their outcomes with the recommendation of the European HPC Technology roadmap (SRA). The conclusion of the report is that FET-HPC projects have delivered a large set of IPs which represent an important asset for the entire European HPC community with many outcomes for the new European calls, CoEs and potential exploitation with the EPI project.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d2.4f.pdf
Typology of FET-HPC-2014 projects

D4.1 – Transversal Vision Report (February 2019)
This report analyses and highlights the main challenges that are becoming more acute as the HPC technology and use is profoundly changing. The introduction of big data in the discovery process is driving applications to be implemented as large-scale distributed workflows that need to be deployed on a large set of systems, each one having its own idiosyncrasies (e.g. quantum accelerator) that questions the way applications are implemented. The report has presented to the European HPC Community the driving factors for this transformation and suggests ways to cope with these challenges.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d4.1-v1.1.pdf
Intertwined capabilities to form a complete processing chain

D4.2 – Mathematics, HPC and Machine Learning (August 2020)
The report outlines important pathways and topics for future mathematics in Europe and how mathematical research could be coupled with machine learning and HPC. The report concludes that: the European Research Council (ERC) should continue the main source of funding for mathematics; support should be pursued to structure the European mathematics community and place Europe at the forefront of the AI revolution; and that European efforts shall be conducted under a mathematical flagship project.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d4.2f.pdf
D4.4 – Study on HPC ecosystem performance assessment (February 2020)
This report is aligned with the impact assessment initiated for EXDCI, by analysing the EU HPC ecosystem. The report is aimed at enhancing and leveraging the methodology that has already been developed for data collection and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) tracking, as well as conserving a frequent impact assessment activity. The findings of the latest and final Progress Monitoring Report of the HPC Partnership are presented. Suggestions on the current impact of the programme on the EU HPC ecosystem and the related value chain are provided. The report concludes that the EuroHPC JU is now developing activities on infrastructures and on R&I aspects of HPC, and continuity of both implementation and impact assessment of the European HPC R&I is expected.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d4.4f.pdf
Facets and players in the EU HPC ecosystem

D4.6 – First report on EXDCI-2 technical workshop (April 2019)
This report summarises the first technical workshop organised on September 28th, 2018, in Brussels in the scope of the EXDCI-2 project. All partners were invited to participate in this meeting, with the objective to exchange on various topics related to the project, share information on research challenges for the Exascale system and prepare coordinated actions.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d4.6_v1.2.pdf

D4.7 – Second report on EXDCI-2 technical workshop (May 2020)
This report presents the main elements of the second workshop organised in Barcelona on the 2nd and 3rd of December 2019. This workshop was aimed at sharing the work progress from all partners since the beginning of the project. The objective was also to discuss the elements of the future European HPC landscape, exchange on upcoming coordinated actions and provide a scientific and technical update.
The workshop’s results lead to a renewed EXDCI-2 vision which addresses the new challenges of the European HPC ecosystem.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d4.7f.pdf

D5.1 – Report on the first international BDEC workshop (July 2019)
This report summarizes the Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing (BDEC) workshop which took place in Poznan (Poland) from the 14th to the 16th of May 2019. This workshop focuses on HPC and Big Data convergence with a global prospective view. The event was organised under the supervision of the EXDCI-2 project and in the scope of the EuroHPC Summit Week 2019 and gathered 51 participants from 15 different countries. Concentrating on coordination, prospective and networking aspects, the workshop resulted in the selection of two initial demonstrators that will pave the way for multiple application-specific exemplars.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d5.1_v1.3.pdf
BDEC2 Poznan workshop group photo

Big data and extreme-scale computing: Pathways to Convergence -Toward a shaping strategy for a future software and data ecosystem for scientific inquiry (2018)
Over the last decade, the BDEC initiative organized a series of international workshops – in Europe, Asia and the U.S. – that aimed to explore the ways in which the new forms of data-centric discovery introduced by the ongoing revolution in high-end data analysis (HDA) might be integrated with the established, simulation-centric paradigm of the high-performance computing (HPC) community.
These workshops resulted in this report addressing the convergence of research applications and workflows, the challenges involved with creating a converged infrastructure for peripheral environments, and the opportunities for software ecosystem convergence in large, centralized facilities.
Link: https://exascale.org/bdec/sites/www.exascale.org.bdec/files/whitepapers/bdec_pathways.pdf
D5.3 – Presence of Europe in HPC-HPDA standardisation and recommendations to promote European technologies (February 2020)
This report presents an assessment of the position of Europe in HPC with regard to standardisation organisations and suggests solutions to strengthen the power of European actors in the setting up of present or future HPC standards. This deliverable includes the results of the analysis, the solutions proposed, as well as interviews with European stakeholders. The report concludes that Europe can become a strong and active actor in HPC ecosystem and provides some guidelines to make Europe more competitive and sustainable in this domain.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d5.3f.pdf
Position of Europe in HPC language-oriented standard organisations

D6.1 – First report on dissemination activities (May 2019)
This report presents the activities carried out in the scope of dissemination activities for EXDCI-2 project. The project participated in several international events (e.g. EuroHPC Summit Week, Teratec Forum, ISC) which are presented in the report, as well as the outcomes of these events. The communication team focused on enhancing the project’s position within the HPC ecosystem through a large dissemination campaign of the project’s results. This mission was notably realised thanks to the creation of the project’s website, social media accounts (e.g. Twitter) and press releases.
Link: https://exdci.eu/sites/default/files/public/files/d6.1_v1.1.pdf
EXDCI shared a booth with PRACE at ISC 2018