Projects & references

EXDCI (2015-2018) / EXDCI-2 (2018-2020) is a coordination action aimed at supporting the activities of the high-performance computing ecosystem.

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AQMO (2018-2020) is a project co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) which consists of setting up a solution for measuring and analysing the air quality of the city of Rennes by mobile sensors, performing digital HPC simulations, while making data available to citizens.

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PHIDIAS (2019-2022) is a project that develops and implements prototypes for the exploitation of space and environmental data from Earth Sciences based on intensive computing capabilities (HPC).

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The NumPEx program is a 6-year project which started in 2023. This French Priority Research Programs and Equipment (PEPR) initiative for Exascale in France gathers more than 500 researchers and engineers nationwide to contribute to the European Exascale software stack, particularly in the Jules Verne project, aiming to deliver the second European Exascale system by 2025. Neovia Innovation is notably involved in the programme’s European and international collaboration activities, the International Post-Exascale (InPEx) project.

GAIA Data is an eight-year Equipex+ PIA3 project supported by three research infrastructures (Data Terra, PNDB and Climeri-France). It aims to develop and implement an integrated, distributed platform of services and data for observing, modelling and understanding the Earth system, biodiversity and the Environment. Intended for the scientific community as well as public and socio-economic players, these services will be accessible via portals enabling inter- and trans-disciplinary research and will be based on multi-source data.

The European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) has been approached to provide a Strategic Technology Agenda for Destination Earth (DestinE), an initiative of the European Commission implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) to develop digital twins of our planet to predict the effects better and build resilience to climate change.

Memorandum for advancing European leadership in sovereign cyber-infrastructures

This memorandum addresses the need for a novel R&D trans-continuum approach to achieve new generations of massive cyber-infrastructures targeting grand challenges for humankind in Big Science such as the Square Kilometer Array – SKA giant radio telescope, the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN | HL-LHC2) and others well-known monumental frameworks.

The goal of the FAIR-EASE project (2022-2025) is to customize and operate distributed and integrated services for observation and modelling of the Earth system, environment, and biodiversity.

The HEROES project (2021-2023) aims at developing an innovative software solution addressing industrial and scientific user communities. The platform will allow end-users to submit their complex simulation and machine learning workflows to both HPC data centres and cloud infrastructures and provide them with the possibility to choose the best option to achieve their goals in time, within budget and with the best energy efficiency.

Led by eminent industrials and academic partners, the SCALABLE project (2021-2023) aims to improve the performance, scalability and energy efficiency of an industrial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software based on a Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for the next generation of European exascale systems. In the context of EuroHPC, LBM is especially well suited to exploit advanced supercomputer architectures through vectorization, accelerators, and massive parallelization.

HPC-GIG brings support to the EuroHPC JU Governance and aims to facilitate its operations, transparently and non-intrusively leveraging the HPC community know-how, with the flexibility to align project activities with the programme schedule and needs and deliver timely and useful input to the entity. For this, it engages HPC and data ecosystems’ stakeholders, consolidates networks of expertise, links national and pan-European activities in the field and creates visibility within the European HPC and data ecosystem.

Neovia Innovation accompanies m3connect, German SMEs specialising in digital communication networks and remote management environment design. This partnership includes its business development and technology development strategy, which involves the development of national and European R&D projects.

Some partners