PHIDIAS is a project that develops and implements prototypes for the exploitation of space and environmental data from Earth Sciences based on intensive computing capabilities (HPC). This project will develop data sets that will be added to the EOSC catalogues. PHIDIAS, which officially started in September 2019, will continue until 2022.
Neovia has contributed to these documents:
D1.7 – First report on scientific committee (August 2020)
This deliverable presents the activities related to the work of the Scientific and User Committee (SUC) from September 2019 to July 2020. The SUC is composed of a panel of experts from the HPC community providing guidance to PHIDIAS project on technical aspects, while empowering relations with international groups and organisations. The report presents the rules and procedures related to the SUC composition and President election, and includes the minutes of the first meeting held in July 2020.
PHIDIAS organisational and decision structure

D3.1 – Data Management Plan (June 2020)
The Data Management Plan describes the type of data that will be collected throughout the project, and how it will be treated and managed during and after the end of PHIDIAS project. This report can be used as a guide for data producers as it notably includes information about the publication, re-use, accessibility and governance of data. Specific parts detail the related legal and ethical aspects as well as the confidentiality of personal data collected, including copyrights and licensing matters.
Link: This document is confidential.
D7.1 – Communication, Stakeholder Dissemination plan (second version) (February 2020)
This report focuses both on internal communication within PHIDIAS Consortium and external communication for the first half of the project. The plan notably describes the considered strategy including communication tools used within the Consortium (e.g. mailing lists, shared workspace), as well as implemented actions regarding the project’s activities and results. Branding, promotion and events campaigns, social media accounts and the website are part of the communication and dissemination plan defined by PHIDIAS. This plan is aimed at fostering PHIDIAS’s visibility and empowering its network.
Link: https://www.phidias-hpc.eu/sites/default/files/2020-03/PHIDIAS_Deliverable_D7.1_Communication_Stakeholder_Dissemination_Plan_1.pdf
Examples of PHIDIAS articles